I really, really suck at time management, apparently.
Yesterday, I was scheduled for 7 miles (easy). Monday night, I had grand plans to wake up at 4:12 am to be running by 4:45 to be done by 6 to shower and leave for work by 6:30.
And then my alarm went off at 4:12, and I remembered, running alone in the dark in the morning really freaks me out. I know, we've had this chat before, I don't know WHY I thought this time would be different.
And WHY did I want to run in the morning? Because I had dinner plans with some friends at this place.
"America's Best Salads" -> not necessarily true.
Anyway, then I decided I would run my 7 miles on WEDNESDAY morning, before the "Conditioning" class (I'm going to keep "" that word until it no longer equals torture and cruel things).
But then I realized, I am not fooling anyone with this morning run business. I'll run what I can before dinner, then run whatever 1-2 miles in the morning before class.
Except, by the time I got home, yapped with the family for a bit, changed, etc etc etc ad nauseum procrastinated lame, I could only fit in FOUR miles.
But whatever. I ran the 4 (42:37, 10:39 pace). Met Skinny Runner, Sarah, Margot, Pam, and Monica for soup and salad...
....and next time, can we do Souplantation? This 5 item topping limit is completely unrealistic.
Margot brought our Nuun stuff - they're supporting Team So Much Cooler Online!
Pretty rad. And, delicious.
And then I skipped FroYo with them after because I promised the kids I'd be home before they went to bed.
And THEN, this morning, my alarm went off at 4:34 (wtf), and I was actually waking up and ready to get out of bed, when Gabby walked face first into my bedroom door and scared the hell out of me. Then she walked in saying, "I'm okay. That really freaked me out.".
That kid cracks me up.
So I hung out quietly waiting for her to stop talking (seriously, she was starting full-blown conversations, and poor H just wanted to snore), before I procrastinated myself long enough into only having time to run 1 mile before "Conditioning" class.
1 mile, 10:45.
So to recap, last night, 4 miles, dinner, no fro yo. This morning, 4:34 heart attack, 1 mile run, 45 minute "conditioning" class.
So this is why, when the Stabucks boy this morning asked if, at 7:28 am, I was ready to start my day now that I had coffee, I laughed at him.
Sorry, it was rude, but I couldn't come up with a more reasonable response.
Anyway. BIC Bands is running a special today - buy 3 bands, get 1 "goof" band FREE! And, since they're donating a portion of February sales, that makes TODAY you're last chance to shop and donate at the same time! SHOP SHOP SHOP!
I'm a mom. A reader. A sometime hiker. A wanna-be chef, an aspiring runner. I like tattoos, Indonesian food, Coach, pretending I can do Yoga, reading, preparing for the zombie apocolypse...
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
One thing you can’t recycle is wasted time.
bic bands,
blogger friends,
Monday, February 27, 2012
Race on the Base Recap, and PFTW
So, remember Friday when I was whiiiiiining about all the ishtty runs last week? And how I said I originally wanted to put sub-60 out there for goal, but nixed it because I was lame, and fell back to 1:01?
Spoiler, I'm awesomer than I thought I was.
Also, this is really longer than a 10K race report usually deserves, but I want to remember how that one time, I ran a really smart race, so it's overly detailed. Sorry in advance.

So, Race on the Base is newly-managed by Run Racing, the masterminds behind Long Beach Marathon/Half Marathon, and Holiday Half. In addition to the 10K, there's a 5K, some inline skate thing, a reverse tri, some kids races.... it's like a party pack of race events.
The race started at 7:30, but we needed to register the H, so we got there around 6:30. It was cold, but not freezing, and overcast... perfect running weather! Registered the H, picked up my bib, and headed back to the car to stay warm - parking was super easy, and SUPER close.
Headed over to the start area around 7:20, jogged a little bit to a helicopter parked next to the course (helicopter!!), and back, cycled through the port-o-potty line again, and back to the start. And then there was a delay. Something about traffic? No idea. Back to port-o-potty, just because. Then the national anthem started, and the in-line skate group was off.
Neither the H nor I realized that in-line skating was such a Thing - these people were all spandexed up with these crazy aerodynamic helmets. I had no idea.
Anyway. A bit later the 10K started... I want to say we started closer to 7:50? But honestly not sure. It was definitely a pretty significant delay, though.
I decided after my super short warm up jog that I felt okay... My legs were FINALLY not super-dead from that "Conditioning" class Wednesday. I decided I'd try to stick to sub-10 pace the entire way, and see how that went. That became my A goal.
Almost immediately, I start way, way too fast. Like, sub-8 fast. God bless the man who invented Garmin, so I knew that I was way too fast, and could slow down.
Mile .7-ish, water stop. Really? That's weird.... But thanks?
About here, I was kind of struggling to keep sub-10 pace, at all. But I also know that for me, the first 2 miles are always going to suck, so if I can suck it up and just hold sub-10 until then, I *might* be okay to push it after that.
Mile 1 - 9:50
Mile 2 - 9:55
{see? struggling}
Another water station before mile 2. Ran waaaaaaaaaaaaay down to one end of a runway, turned, ran waaaaaaaaaaay down to the far end, turned, and ran back. Did you know runways are REALLY long?? I had no idea. Also, they're rutted concrete, which is not the easiest surface in the world to run on.
I started to feel a bit better a bit before mile 3, so I tried to pick it up, and just concentrated on sticking around 9:40-9:45. I saw my pace dip down sub-9, and knew it was too early.... and compromised with myself around 9:30.
Mile 3 - 9:40
Mile 4 - 9:37
Normally, I feel stellar around mile 3-4, but I wanted to make sure I didn't burn out too early, so I held back, and figured I would focus on negative splits now, and just see what happened.
Mile 5 - 9:26
Mile 6 - 9:06 (?!?!?!)
And I was dying. .23 8:33. Two chicks beat me in the final sprint, and turns out they were BOTH in my age group. Oh wells.
59:35.4, 17/51 in age group.
The H finished in 56:13, which is an 11 minute PR for him. Plus, he beat me, so he's pleased.
Lessons learned:
So, yeah. I PR'ed. I sub-60'ed. It was pretty grand.
The race was well-managed, plenty of bathrooms, small expo, course was well marked. I thought the water stations were placed strangely - two before mile 2, and then none until mile 3.5-ish. I was fine, it just seemed weird. The shirt is rad.
Long sleeve, super light, women's cut, tech fabric. All the best things.
Ummmm, and I'm super lame and didn't get a picture of my outfit. That's, like, the BEST part of racing, right?
This is the best I can do. Obnoxious purple and turquoise on the right. That's meeee.
And then we went home and I ate all the things. And I went an played bingo with Margot, Sarah, and Pam.
Chalk THIS up to more things I didn't know... but did you KNOW there are different ways to win BINGO?
Oh, and then yesterday I wandered into a TJMaxx, and tried on ridiculous $700 Gucci dresses.
Normal day in the OC.
Last week:
Tuesday: 6 miles, easy, sucked.
Thursday: 4.3 miles, cut short from 6, sucked.
Saturday: 6.2 miles, hard, it was awesome.
This week:
Monday: Suck Less
Tuesday: 7 miles easy
Wednesday: Conditioning, Suck Less
Thursday: 7 miles, speeeeeed
Friday: Suck Less
Saturday/Sunday: 10 miles
Spoiler, I'm awesomer than I thought I was.
Also, this is really longer than a 10K race report usually deserves, but I want to remember how that one time, I ran a really smart race, so it's overly detailed. Sorry in advance.

So, Race on the Base is newly-managed by Run Racing, the masterminds behind Long Beach Marathon/Half Marathon, and Holiday Half. In addition to the 10K, there's a 5K, some inline skate thing, a reverse tri, some kids races.... it's like a party pack of race events.
The race started at 7:30, but we needed to register the H, so we got there around 6:30. It was cold, but not freezing, and overcast... perfect running weather! Registered the H, picked up my bib, and headed back to the car to stay warm - parking was super easy, and SUPER close.
Headed over to the start area around 7:20, jogged a little bit to a helicopter parked next to the course (helicopter!!), and back, cycled through the port-o-potty line again, and back to the start. And then there was a delay. Something about traffic? No idea. Back to port-o-potty, just because. Then the national anthem started, and the in-line skate group was off.
Neither the H nor I realized that in-line skating was such a Thing - these people were all spandexed up with these crazy aerodynamic helmets. I had no idea.
Anyway. A bit later the 10K started... I want to say we started closer to 7:50? But honestly not sure. It was definitely a pretty significant delay, though.
I decided after my super short warm up jog that I felt okay... My legs were FINALLY not super-dead from that "Conditioning" class Wednesday. I decided I'd try to stick to sub-10 pace the entire way, and see how that went. That became my A goal.
Almost immediately, I start way, way too fast. Like, sub-8 fast. God bless the man who invented Garmin, so I knew that I was way too fast, and could slow down.
Mile .7-ish, water stop. Really? That's weird.... But thanks?
About here, I was kind of struggling to keep sub-10 pace, at all. But I also know that for me, the first 2 miles are always going to suck, so if I can suck it up and just hold sub-10 until then, I *might* be okay to push it after that.
Mile 1 - 9:50
Mile 2 - 9:55
{see? struggling}
Another water station before mile 2. Ran waaaaaaaaaaaaay down to one end of a runway, turned, ran waaaaaaaaaaay down to the far end, turned, and ran back. Did you know runways are REALLY long?? I had no idea. Also, they're rutted concrete, which is not the easiest surface in the world to run on.
I started to feel a bit better a bit before mile 3, so I tried to pick it up, and just concentrated on sticking around 9:40-9:45. I saw my pace dip down sub-9, and knew it was too early.... and compromised with myself around 9:30.
Mile 3 - 9:40
Mile 4 - 9:37
Normally, I feel stellar around mile 3-4, but I wanted to make sure I didn't burn out too early, so I held back, and figured I would focus on negative splits now, and just see what happened.
Mile 5 - 9:26
Mile 6 - 9:06 (?!?!?!)
And I was dying. .23 8:33. Two chicks beat me in the final sprint, and turns out they were BOTH in my age group. Oh wells.
59:35.4, 17/51 in age group.
The H finished in 56:13, which is an 11 minute PR for him. Plus, he beat me, so he's pleased.
Lessons learned:
- I think I could have maintained a bit of a faster pace for mile 5, and held it longer than I gave myself credit for.
- I decided at the last 400 to run my normal 400 pace, and although I felt like it was absolutely totally completely all I could possibly do right then, it's DEAD ON my 400 pace... I wonder if I just stuck with what's comfortable, because I'm used to it, or if that was really all I had? Not sure.
- Fascinating how much easier it is to race when you KNOW your body and how it tries to trick you into feeling great and pushing when you really need to be more conservative.
So, yeah. I PR'ed. I sub-60'ed. It was pretty grand.
The race was well-managed, plenty of bathrooms, small expo, course was well marked. I thought the water stations were placed strangely - two before mile 2, and then none until mile 3.5-ish. I was fine, it just seemed weird. The shirt is rad.
Long sleeve, super light, women's cut, tech fabric. All the best things.
Ummmm, and I'm super lame and didn't get a picture of my outfit. That's, like, the BEST part of racing, right?
This is the best I can do. Obnoxious purple and turquoise on the right. That's meeee.
And then we went home and I ate all the things. And I went an played bingo with Margot, Sarah, and Pam.
Chalk THIS up to more things I didn't know... but did you KNOW there are different ways to win BINGO?
Oh, and then yesterday I wandered into a TJMaxx, and tried on ridiculous $700 Gucci dresses.
Normal day in the OC.
Last week:
Tuesday: 6 miles, easy, sucked.
Thursday: 4.3 miles, cut short from 6, sucked.
Saturday: 6.2 miles, hard, it was awesome.
This week:
Monday: Suck Less
Tuesday: 7 miles easy
Wednesday: Conditioning, Suck Less
Thursday: 7 miles, speeeeeed
Friday: Suck Less
Saturday/Sunday: 10 miles
race on the base
Friday, February 24, 2012
Gotta run the bad runs to appreciate the good?
Or something like that?
I don't know.
All I know, is last night when I got home, I posted this on Daily Mile...

I know. Is that the WHINIEST thing ever? LAME.
It just sucked.

I have a race tomorrow, wheeeee. This is normally the part where I feel all cocky and make crazy goals.
Goal A: 1:01:xx
Goal B: PR. <-- my current PR is 1:06:05.
Goal C: Don't puke.
I had this plan to shoot for sub-60. The way I have felt this week, I just dunno that it's reasonable. We'll see. I'll keep it in the back of my head and see how I feel, I guess. That #($!*# "Conditioning" class has sucked the life out of my legs. Maybe they'll feel fully recovered tomorrow. It is possible. Plus, it's THAT time of the month, and blah. I need to schedule races better.
THIS JUST IN. The H agreed to run with me. Since he's (shhhhh, it's a secret) training for his first half (!!!!), this will be his long slow run for the week, and his long slow pace should be just about where I want my 10K race pace to be....... so..... this might change things. *****************************************************
Team Gab! Lesley's Team Gab Virtual Race recap link HERE - 13.9 miles, on trails. She's so badass.
Heather at Go Girl Go ran the ING Miami Half Marathon with Team Gab, link to her recap HERE.
Team Gab officially broke $3,000 in fundraising this week.
Thank you!!!
Aaaaaand, the winner of the giveaway this week....
Congrats, T! Check out the prizes and let me know which one you'd like!
Good luck this weekend, Princess runners. I hate you all, but just a little bit. I hate missing out on things.
I don't know.
All I know, is last night when I got home, I posted this on Daily Mile...
I know. Is that the WHINIEST thing ever? LAME.
It just sucked.

I have a race tomorrow, wheeeee. This is normally the part where I feel all cocky and make crazy goals.
Goal A: 1:01:xx
Goal B: PR. <-- my current PR is 1:06:05.
Goal C: Don't puke.
I had this plan to shoot for sub-60. The way I have felt this week, I just dunno that it's reasonable. We'll see. I'll keep it in the back of my head and see how I feel, I guess. That #($!*# "Conditioning" class has sucked the life out of my legs. Maybe they'll feel fully recovered tomorrow. It is possible. Plus, it's THAT time of the month, and blah. I need to schedule races better.
THIS JUST IN. The H agreed to run with me. Since he's (shhhhh, it's a secret) training for his first half (!!!!), this will be his long slow run for the week, and his long slow pace should be just about where I want my 10K race pace to be....... so..... this might change things. *****************************************************
Team Gab! Lesley's Team Gab Virtual Race recap link HERE - 13.9 miles, on trails. She's so badass.
Heather at Go Girl Go ran the ING Miami Half Marathon with Team Gab, link to her recap HERE.
Team Gab officially broke $3,000 in fundraising this week.
Thank you!!!
Aaaaaand, the winner of the giveaway this week....
Congrats, T! Check out the prizes and let me know which one you'd like!
Good luck this weekend, Princess runners. I hate you all, but just a little bit. I hate missing out on things.
race on the base,
team gab,
the h
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Three Things Thursday
1. My azz hurts from the "Conditioning" class I took yesterday.
1a. I'm 97% sure "Conditioning" is code word for "You suck and need to be stronger so I will kick your ass until you are".
1b. I'm also 97% sure that the fact that my glutes hurt so much means... they need strengthening.
1c. Even with all the pain (ouch), I still can't bring myself to use the elevator to get to my 2nd floor office. Which makes me REALLY curious about people that work on the 2nd floor with me and use the elevator daily.
2. I forgot to bring a bowl with me today for my oatmeal, so I'm eating it out of a shaker cup. It's weird and awkward. Also, I just tried to take a bite, and apparently, shaker cups make it stay hot - REALLY hot - a LOT longer than bowls. Noted. Ouch.
3. I had very, VERY optimistic goals for my 10K this weekend. I'm a crazy person. I am re-evaluating those goals. I don't like to fail. I also considered dropping down to the 5K... because 10K is just such a sucky distance. Same strategy as a 5K - run hard, try not to puke - but twice as long. WHY?? WHY would I do that?? It doesn't sound like fun at.all.
Yeah. I can't imagine why I'm not faster...
1a. I'm 97% sure "Conditioning" is code word for "You suck and need to be stronger so I will kick your ass until you are".
1b. I'm also 97% sure that the fact that my glutes hurt so much means... they need strengthening.
1c. Even with all the pain (ouch), I still can't bring myself to use the elevator to get to my 2nd floor office. Which makes me REALLY curious about people that work on the 2nd floor with me and use the elevator daily.
2. I forgot to bring a bowl with me today for my oatmeal, so I'm eating it out of a shaker cup. It's weird and awkward. Also, I just tried to take a bite, and apparently, shaker cups make it stay hot - REALLY hot - a LOT longer than bowls. Noted. Ouch.
3. I had very, VERY optimistic goals for my 10K this weekend. I'm a crazy person. I am re-evaluating those goals. I don't like to fail. I also considered dropping down to the 5K... because 10K is just such a sucky distance. Same strategy as a 5K - run hard, try not to puke - but twice as long. WHY?? WHY would I do that?? It doesn't sound like fun at.all.
Yeah. I can't imagine why I'm not faster...
Any 10K tips, since I'm googling "10K pace strategies" and psyching myself out?
I mean, besides "Don't puke".
I mean, besides "Don't puke".
Don't forget - shop with BIC Bands and in ChaCha's Etsy shop, and a portion of your sale will be donated to PCRF!! Click here to donate directly!
race on the base,
running fast is hard
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Wednesday. I have nothing clever.
1. I ran last night. It wasn't good. It wasn't bad. It just was. 10:42, 10:31, 10:39, 10:05, 9:41 (<-- test mile at goal pace for this weekend's 10K), 11:10. 6 miles, 1:02:48.
2. That's 6 miles in 4 minutes under my current 10K PR.
3. PCRF offers a class at 24 Hour Fitness for the VIP Training Program. Last year, it was a mind/body yoga-pilates-stretchy for runners class. It was glorious.
4. I wasn't sure I was going to go, since it's at 6am, and, hello, I don't even roll out of bed to get ready for work most days by 6 am. But, I was lured in by the promise of gifts furnished by Lulu.
5. Mother effer, strength conditioning for runners IS NOT THE SAME as yoga-stretchy-omm. Curse it.
6. I watched part of Office Space last night, and had "damn it feels good to be a gangster" running through my brain all morning. I did NOT feel good OR gangster during that class.
7. I've been giving annual reviews to my staff all week. Consider this nugget of wisdom next time you have a review: If your manager says that one of the concerns they have about your performance is that your attitude is poor, you don't respond well to coaching, and that your body language comes across as incredibly negative during coaching sessions, DO NOT sit in front of her with your arms crossed and not follow along in your review. I promise, it does not help your cause. Also, it makes you look like an asshole.
8. Apparently, I am feeling extra complainy today.
2. That's 6 miles in 4 minutes under my current 10K PR.
3. PCRF offers a class at 24 Hour Fitness for the VIP Training Program. Last year, it was a mind/body yoga-pilates-stretchy for runners class. It was glorious.
4. I wasn't sure I was going to go, since it's at 6am, and, hello, I don't even roll out of bed to get ready for work most days by 6 am. But, I was lured in by the promise of gifts furnished by Lulu.
5. Mother effer, strength conditioning for runners IS NOT THE SAME as yoga-stretchy-omm. Curse it.
6. I watched part of Office Space last night, and had "damn it feels good to be a gangster" running through my brain all morning. I did NOT feel good OR gangster during that class.
7. I've been giving annual reviews to my staff all week. Consider this nugget of wisdom next time you have a review: If your manager says that one of the concerns they have about your performance is that your attitude is poor, you don't respond well to coaching, and that your body language comes across as incredibly negative during coaching sessions, DO NOT sit in front of her with your arms crossed and not follow along in your review. I promise, it does not help your cause. Also, it makes you look like an asshole.
8. Apparently, I am feeling extra complainy today.
office space,
Monday, February 20, 2012
Weekend Roundup, Plan For The Week
1. If you missed it last week, I am EXTENDING the Team Gab Virtual Run an additional 2 week. You can CLICK HERE to read the details and sign up. There are still prizes from BIC Bands, Tommie Copper, Arctic Ease, Road ID, ViiAD Jewelry, and MORE.
2. Team Gab is sitting at $2,994 in fundraising - do you know what that is?
It's $6 away from $3,000. If everyone who read this donated a dollar, I bet we could top 3Grand TODAY.
And, if you donate a dollar - just one, tiny $1 - today, I'll add 3 entries to the Team Gab Virtual Run giveaway for this coming Friday.
Click HERE to donate.
3. PCRF kicked off their training program Saturday with what looks like about DOUBLE the size of the group we had last year - that is AMAZING.
Pepper, our fearless leader (and organizer) reported that the VIP Training participants had raised a total of $7,870 dollars as of Sunday.
Coach Doris is still extra peppy...
IF YOU ARE IN SOCAL, AND ON THE FENCE ABOUT JOINING.... Renegade Racing is offering a 15% discount good through tonight at midnight. You can register HERE, select "Join a Team", type in "Team Gab", and use discount code "presidentrenegade".
The VIP option is an EXCELLENT choice if you want to join a fun group, receive professional coaching and training, and raise money. If you are interested, email me for info.
4. After my run with the group, I went home and put on real person clothes, and headed back out to do some shopping for a party #2 had to go to....
oops. Lulu-aide strikes again.
5. Then we took #2 to the party, sat in Souplantation eating all the things for 90 minutes, went back to pick her up, and locked our keys in the car. So, that was fun.
6. Sunday, I skipped anything active. Yeah. That's right. I skipped a 10 mile run. I didn't cycle like I said I would instead. I slept until 7:30, woke up and won a couple eBay auctions. And then went shopping with #1.
Best purchase of the day. $4!! Then, I met my friend and her pretty baby at Souplantation and sat around eating all the things (again!) until it was lava cake time. It's true, that happened. Followed by a trip to 85*C bakery, again.
7. And that brings us to today, where apparently I'm the ONLY PERSON in OC working.
To recap last week....
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 6 miles, easy, 1:04:47, 10:47 pace. (Of note, my real 10K PR is 1:06:05....)
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Normally, this is speed work day. But, I was extra tired and thought I needed some extra rest.
Friday: ...and switched my 10x400 to here. Turns out, I was STILL extra tired, and probably should have made this an easy run, but instead, I did this:
Man, did it suck. It was my first time running intervals outside (thanks to some EXCELLENT directions from The Jesse!), so it definitely took a few tries to get the feel for the correct pace. When I got home and uploaded my data, I am equally horrified and excited to report, there were SEVERAL points that I was running 6:03-6:08 pace. I don't even know how to fathom how fast that is, and it's OBVIOUSLY unintentional. I had no idea that capability even existed in my super short stupid slow legs. Anyway, in the end, I think I loved doing the intervals outside, I think I just clearly need to practice this more - and now that it's staying light out longer, I don't feel so creepy running outside alone.
Saturday: 4 miles, easy pace with PCRF. LOVE THIS GROUP.
For this week.....
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 6 miles easy
Wednesday: I might try to hit the Mind Body class PCRF provides for us. Maybe. It's so early, though - 6am. And then I'd have to come into work late. So... not sure.
Thursday: 6 miles easy
Friday: rest
Saturday: RACE DAY (for REAL, I've double checked). 10K. I'll post later about my goals.
I feel like this was really long, and you're probably not reading still by this point, so now seems like a good time to throw in that I'm reallllllly excited and again, equally ashamed, to start planning a trip to Knoxville (Knoxville, no really) to see Lemonheads March 3. I know. I'm out of control. It's madness. In my defense, this time, This Lady started it. And, we're in agreement that considering my BFF Evan Dando's current lifestyle, there's no telling how much time we really have left to enjoy him. So.... might as well.
2. Team Gab is sitting at $2,994 in fundraising - do you know what that is?
It's $6 away from $3,000. If everyone who read this donated a dollar, I bet we could top 3Grand TODAY.
And, if you donate a dollar - just one, tiny $1 - today, I'll add 3 entries to the Team Gab Virtual Run giveaway for this coming Friday.
Click HERE to donate.
3. PCRF kicked off their training program Saturday with what looks like about DOUBLE the size of the group we had last year - that is AMAZING.
Pepper, our fearless leader (and organizer) reported that the VIP Training participants had raised a total of $7,870 dollars as of Sunday.
Coach Doris is still extra peppy...
IF YOU ARE IN SOCAL, AND ON THE FENCE ABOUT JOINING.... Renegade Racing is offering a 15% discount good through tonight at midnight. You can register HERE, select "Join a Team", type in "Team Gab", and use discount code "presidentrenegade".
The VIP option is an EXCELLENT choice if you want to join a fun group, receive professional coaching and training, and raise money. If you are interested, email me for info.
4. After my run with the group, I went home and put on real person clothes, and headed back out to do some shopping for a party #2 had to go to....
oops. Lulu-aide strikes again.
5. Then we took #2 to the party, sat in Souplantation eating all the things for 90 minutes, went back to pick her up, and locked our keys in the car. So, that was fun.
6. Sunday, I skipped anything active. Yeah. That's right. I skipped a 10 mile run. I didn't cycle like I said I would instead. I slept until 7:30, woke up and won a couple eBay auctions. And then went shopping with #1.
Best purchase of the day. $4!! Then, I met my friend and her pretty baby at Souplantation and sat around eating all the things (again!) until it was lava cake time. It's true, that happened. Followed by a trip to 85*C bakery, again.
7. And that brings us to today, where apparently I'm the ONLY PERSON in OC working.
To recap last week....
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 6 miles, easy, 1:04:47, 10:47 pace. (Of note, my real 10K PR is 1:06:05....)
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Normally, this is speed work day. But, I was extra tired and thought I needed some extra rest.
Friday: ...and switched my 10x400 to here. Turns out, I was STILL extra tired, and probably should have made this an easy run, but instead, I did this:
Man, did it suck. It was my first time running intervals outside (thanks to some EXCELLENT directions from The Jesse!), so it definitely took a few tries to get the feel for the correct pace. When I got home and uploaded my data, I am equally horrified and excited to report, there were SEVERAL points that I was running 6:03-6:08 pace. I don't even know how to fathom how fast that is, and it's OBVIOUSLY unintentional. I had no idea that capability even existed in my super short stupid slow legs. Anyway, in the end, I think I loved doing the intervals outside, I think I just clearly need to practice this more - and now that it's staying light out longer, I don't feel so creepy running outside alone.
Saturday: 4 miles, easy pace with PCRF. LOVE THIS GROUP.
For this week.....
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 6 miles easy
Wednesday: I might try to hit the Mind Body class PCRF provides for us. Maybe. It's so early, though - 6am. And then I'd have to come into work late. So... not sure.
Thursday: 6 miles easy
Friday: rest
Saturday: RACE DAY (for REAL, I've double checked). 10K. I'll post later about my goals.
I feel like this was really long, and you're probably not reading still by this point, so now seems like a good time to throw in that I'm reallllllly excited and again, equally ashamed, to start planning a trip to Knoxville (Knoxville, no really) to see Lemonheads March 3. I know. I'm out of control. It's madness. In my defense, this time, This Lady started it. And, we're in agreement that considering my BFF Evan Dando's current lifestyle, there's no telling how much time we really have left to enjoy him. So.... might as well.
Evan Dando,
running fast is hard,
team gab
Friday, February 17, 2012
"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen."
Team Gab just passed the $2,800 mark...
Last year, we raised $2,370. THANK YOU for helping me top that this year!
Earlier this week, I posted to facebook a link to a report on a shortage of methotrexate.
Methotrexate is one of the most critical drugs in treating ALL, which is what Gabby has. She takes methotrexate at home, orally, via ELEVEN pills, every Thursday night. She receives an intrathecal dose every 12 weeks at the infusion center.
Remember a few months ago, when I posted the trick with putting the pill in the grapes?
That's the methotrexate. (Lucky for us, now she just takes them - all 11. She's pretty much my hero.)
Anyway. So this drug, it's a low-profit drug for the manufacturers. It's old, it's not doing a lot for their bottom line.
Apparently, their solution is to... stop making it. And then feign ignorance about WHY there is a shortage.
From the report:
THIS is why research and development of new treatments is so critical.
Gabby's hospital currently has a three month supply of methotrexate available. So for her lumbar in 3 weeks, she's fine. But the one following that?
Unless something changes, there could be none left.
I've quoted these statistics before, but now seems like an appropriate time to restate them.
Ignore the broccoli.
These other fine folks are fundraising, too - shop around for your favorite cause(s), and spread the love.
Jolene at Journey of a Canuck Mom on the Run is raising money for Alex's Lemonade Stand.
Pam is fundraising for Back on my Feet, a nonprofit organization that promotes the self-sufficiency of those experiencing homelessness by engaging them in running.
Lauren is taking the Polar Plunge in March. Proceeds from the Polar Plunge provide FREE year-round sports training and competition for the Special Olympics.
Trinity is running for LINK HERE) and Jana (LINK HERE) are raising money for the 100 Mile Club's Run4Kids. They will be running for 6 hours on a 1/4 mile track, cheering on the kids as they run to add miles towards their 100 mile goal. "Every $10 I raise will sponsor a student for a year, and my goal is to raise enough to sponsor 20 kids."
Lauren is supporting the American Diabetes Association, and riding a Tour de Cure.
Debbie is doing TWO events with Team In Training - America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride and Eleven Oconee Sprint Tri.
The MFDre is running Boston and raising money for Fred's Team, benefiting Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
Michel at Baby Weight My Fat Ass is running the Chicago Marathon with Run For Autism.
HLove is and hosting a Virtual Run benefiting the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults.
Elisabeth is running her first FULL Ironman with
Team in Training.
Jana is running the Wine Country Half Marathon for Team Challenge and the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America. "Over 80% of every dollar I raise will directly fund the mission of CCFA" <---- I LOVE THAT STAT. Chelsea is running RnR San Diego Marathon, The Estes Park Half Marathon and the Mayors Marathon in Alaska for Team in Training - holy busy!
Kristi is running the Country Music Marathon for the Project Athena Foundation - their mission "to help women with medical or traumatic setbacks live their athletic and adventurous dreams as part of their recovery."
Caroline is running Race for the Cure for the Susan G Komen Foundation in LA on March 25th - if I'm available, I'm running with her! (as in, I may already be committed to something, not that I'm super high demand)
We runners sure are a giving bunch, eh?
Check out The Jesse's Team Gab 5K report, and Molly the Sleeper Baker's treadmill 10K!
This week's Team Gab winner.....
My screen capture tool isn't working. That's cute.
Anyway, #36 according to random.org is Elizabeth from Running for Bling!! Elizabeth, check out the Team Gab giveaway page and let me know which prize you'd like!
......and, there are still a BILLION prizes left. I'm going to EXTEND THE VIRTUAL RACE deadline 2 weeks - through March 2nd, while I come up with a creative way to dispense prizes. {Any ideas on raffling these bad boys off?}
Last year, we raised $2,370. THANK YOU for helping me top that this year!
Earlier this week, I posted to facebook a link to a report on a shortage of methotrexate.
Methotrexate is one of the most critical drugs in treating ALL, which is what Gabby has. She takes methotrexate at home, orally, via ELEVEN pills, every Thursday night. She receives an intrathecal dose every 12 weeks at the infusion center.
Remember a few months ago, when I posted the trick with putting the pill in the grapes?
That's the methotrexate. (Lucky for us, now she just takes them - all 11. She's pretty much my hero.)
Anyway. So this drug, it's a low-profit drug for the manufacturers. It's old, it's not doing a lot for their bottom line.
Apparently, their solution is to... stop making it. And then feign ignorance about WHY there is a shortage.
From the report:
"There are couple other drugs that can be injected into the spinal fluid, but none that are as effective," said Link. "As for the high dose version of the drug, there's no workaround for it."
THIS is why research and development of new treatments is so critical.
There is no workaround.
Gabby's hospital currently has a three month supply of methotrexate available. So for her lumbar in 3 weeks, she's fine. But the one following that?
Unless something changes, there could be none left.
"You're always faced with the problem of whether you can use something else that might work," said Link. "You know in your heart that you're compromising on the cure rate."
I've quoted these statistics before, but now seems like an appropriate time to restate them.
- Gabby is being treated with protocols that are DECADES old.
- New treatments have not been made available to treat childhood cancers for TWENTY years.
- Despite very aggressive therapies that approach the limits of tolerability for the child, the overall survival rate for childhood cancer has remained unchanged since 1998.
Ignore the broccoli.
These other fine folks are fundraising, too - shop around for your favorite cause(s), and spread the love.
Jolene at Journey of a Canuck Mom on the Run is raising money for Alex's Lemonade Stand.
Pam is fundraising for Back on my Feet, a nonprofit organization that promotes the self-sufficiency of those experiencing homelessness by engaging them in running.
Lauren is taking the Polar Plunge in March. Proceeds from the Polar Plunge provide FREE year-round sports training and competition for the Special Olympics.
Trinity is running for LINK HERE) and Jana (LINK HERE) are raising money for the 100 Mile Club's Run4Kids. They will be running for 6 hours on a 1/4 mile track, cheering on the kids as they run to add miles towards their 100 mile goal. "Every $10 I raise will sponsor a student for a year, and my goal is to raise enough to sponsor 20 kids."
Lauren is supporting the American Diabetes Association, and riding a Tour de Cure.
Debbie is doing TWO events with Team In Training - America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride and Eleven Oconee Sprint Tri.
The MFDre is running Boston and raising money for Fred's Team, benefiting Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
Michel at Baby Weight My Fat Ass is running the Chicago Marathon with Run For Autism.
HLove is and hosting a Virtual Run benefiting the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults.
Elisabeth is running her first FULL Ironman with
Team in Training.
Jana is running the Wine Country Half Marathon for Team Challenge and the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America. "Over 80% of every dollar I raise will directly fund the mission of CCFA" <---- I LOVE THAT STAT. Chelsea is running RnR San Diego Marathon, The Estes Park Half Marathon and the Mayors Marathon in Alaska for Team in Training - holy busy!
Kristi is running the Country Music Marathon for the Project Athena Foundation - their mission "to help women with medical or traumatic setbacks live their athletic and adventurous dreams as part of their recovery."
Caroline is running Race for the Cure for the Susan G Komen Foundation in LA on March 25th - if I'm available, I'm running with her! (as in, I may already be committed to something, not that I'm super high demand)
We runners sure are a giving bunch, eh?
Check out The Jesse's Team Gab 5K report, and Molly the Sleeper Baker's treadmill 10K!
This week's Team Gab winner.....
My screen capture tool isn't working. That's cute.
Anyway, #36 according to random.org is Elizabeth from Running for Bling!! Elizabeth, check out the Team Gab giveaway page and let me know which prize you'd like!
......and, there are still a BILLION prizes left. I'm going to EXTEND THE VIRTUAL RACE deadline 2 weeks - through March 2nd, while I come up with a creative way to dispense prizes. {Any ideas on raffling these bad boys off?}
Are YOU fundraising?? Link up in the comments!
200th post giveaway,
blogger friends,
team gab
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Things I Love.
1. Bollywood.
2. Okapi's. Zebra? Giraffe? DON'T KNOW!
3. Evan Dando covering Whitney Houston.
4. Poppies.
5. Pineapple.
6. Once Upon a Time.
7. Blackjack.
8. Alias.
9. Mountains, streams, waterfalls, and meadows.
10. Cooking delicious things.
11. That things like this can come from running, and writing about running.
12. Friends - internet and IRL - that truly *get* me.
13. These fools.
14. And this one, too.
2. Okapi's. Zebra? Giraffe? DON'T KNOW!
3. Evan Dando covering Whitney Houston.
4. Poppies.
5. Pineapple.
6. Once Upon a Time.
7. Blackjack.
8. Alias.
9. Mountains, streams, waterfalls, and meadows.
10. Cooking delicious things.
11. That things like this can come from running, and writing about running.
12. Friends - internet and IRL - that truly *get* me.
13. These fools.
14. And this one, too.
Evan Dando,
Monday, February 13, 2012
The PR that almost was.... non-Mermaid Half Recap
Remember last week, when I was all hopped up making goals and PR attempts at my goal race on Sunday?
So I had a goal. 2:20. I felt READY - the course was totally flat, I hydrated and fueled like a pro. It was totally going to happen, I just knew it.
Saturday morning, I was supposed to go with Sarah and Pam to cheer on Skinny Runner at her first ultra, but couldn't make it work with some plans #1 made. So instead, I spent the morning chauffeuring the kid, and shopping.
I have resisted the Lulu-aide for so, so long. But everything there is like magic.
I actually walked out and didn't buy anything.
But the time is coming. I can't hold off much longer.
Anyway. Saturday, I did that stuff. And not much else. Drank tons of water. Ate tons of carbs. Went to bed super early, with an alarm set for 3:57.
Woke up. Coffee. Hung out. Dressed obnoxiously.
Drove the 90 minutes south to Mission Bay...
And getting closer, I note how overcast it is. Nice, I thought. I LOVE overcast.And then, around Del Mar, it starts pouring rain. I do NOT like running in cold, pouring rain.
Get to Mission Bay, and try to follow the directions on the Mermaid Half website - which I checked pretty obsessively, thinking I had the start time confused (note, I didn't). Driving. Circling. Huh. There's no start line.
Then I check their facebook page, thinking surely I can't be the only one confused about where to go.
And start seeing posts like,
Aaaaannnnnnd, yeah. So, the race was Saturday. NOT Sunday.
So, that sucked.
I drove back home, through the rain, and by the time I made it back to Irvine, it was getting toasty, and the sun was out. But I was ready, so I ran 13.1 anyway.
I ran a bike path loop twice (exactly 5 miles, each loop), then a loop around my neighborhood once (just over 3.1). I decided to follow my pace strategy anyway, and see what I could pull out, and run a pretend race. Because... why not, I guess. It's not like i had any other plans for the morning....
1-2.5 - shooting for 11min pace. I think I averaged 11:15 - I was blah and not really feeling like running, and had an earphone malfunction, and walked to sort out my cords. Oh, plus this out part of the loop is a slight uphill the whole way - it's the last piece of the PCRF course in May. Rude.
2.5-5 - wheeeeee downhill. Shooting for 11-10:45ish. I think I hit this - but I haven't really looked at my Garmin data yet.
5-7.5 - mother effer up hill again. Unsure why I would do this to myself. Seriously, it's like a build-your-own-race-course, and I choose this? Dumb. Shooting for 10:40-10:30. I think I was pretty close.
7.5-10 - wheeeeee downhill again. Felt FANTASTIC. Aiming for 10:30-10:15. Did well under - mile 9 was 9:50. Felt like I could run this pace for DAYS.
10-11.5 - Shooting for 10:15-10. Mile 10 was sub-10. Mile 11 started same pace. Hit about mile 11.5, and within 20 feet it was as if I could not move another step. the 9:45 pace that felt effortless 400m ago, was immediately turned into 11:40, and HARD. Eff that.
11.5-13 - Shoulda been 10-9:45. Eeked out a 10:20-ish. Want to die. Roasting, it's a thousand degrees and sunny. Pretty sure I will not survive. Want to take advantage of auto-pause, but I feel like that's cheating, so I don't. I walk a bit. I run. I hate life. I'm miserable.
13-13.1 - 8:55. Done.
My shiny new PR*: 2:19:24.
I had a secret, back-of-my-mind goal of 2:15. Considering Mermaid is pretty pancake flat, and was in cooler, less sunny weather, I bet I would have made it.
Oh well.
Maybe next time.
So I had a goal. 2:20. I felt READY - the course was totally flat, I hydrated and fueled like a pro. It was totally going to happen, I just knew it.
Saturday morning, I was supposed to go with Sarah and Pam to cheer on Skinny Runner at her first ultra, but couldn't make it work with some plans #1 made. So instead, I spent the morning chauffeuring the kid, and shopping.
I have resisted the Lulu-aide for so, so long. But everything there is like magic.
I actually walked out and didn't buy anything.
But the time is coming. I can't hold off much longer.
Anyway. Saturday, I did that stuff. And not much else. Drank tons of water. Ate tons of carbs. Went to bed super early, with an alarm set for 3:57.
Woke up. Coffee. Hung out. Dressed obnoxiously.
Drove the 90 minutes south to Mission Bay...
And getting closer, I note how overcast it is. Nice, I thought. I LOVE overcast.And then, around Del Mar, it starts pouring rain. I do NOT like running in cold, pouring rain.
Get to Mission Bay, and try to follow the directions on the Mermaid Half website - which I checked pretty obsessively, thinking I had the start time confused (note, I didn't). Driving. Circling. Huh. There's no start line.
Then I check their facebook page, thinking surely I can't be the only one confused about where to go.
And start seeing posts like,
Aaaaannnnnnd, yeah. So, the race was Saturday. NOT Sunday.
So, that sucked.
I drove back home, through the rain, and by the time I made it back to Irvine, it was getting toasty, and the sun was out. But I was ready, so I ran 13.1 anyway.
I ran a bike path loop twice (exactly 5 miles, each loop), then a loop around my neighborhood once (just over 3.1). I decided to follow my pace strategy anyway, and see what I could pull out, and run a pretend race. Because... why not, I guess. It's not like i had any other plans for the morning....
1-2.5 - shooting for 11min pace. I think I averaged 11:15 - I was blah and not really feeling like running, and had an earphone malfunction, and walked to sort out my cords. Oh, plus this out part of the loop is a slight uphill the whole way - it's the last piece of the PCRF course in May. Rude.
2.5-5 - wheeeeee downhill. Shooting for 11-10:45ish. I think I hit this - but I haven't really looked at my Garmin data yet.
5-7.5 - mother effer up hill again. Unsure why I would do this to myself. Seriously, it's like a build-your-own-race-course, and I choose this? Dumb. Shooting for 10:40-10:30. I think I was pretty close.
7.5-10 - wheeeeee downhill again. Felt FANTASTIC. Aiming for 10:30-10:15. Did well under - mile 9 was 9:50. Felt like I could run this pace for DAYS.
10-11.5 - Shooting for 10:15-10. Mile 10 was sub-10. Mile 11 started same pace. Hit about mile 11.5, and within 20 feet it was as if I could not move another step. the 9:45 pace that felt effortless 400m ago, was immediately turned into 11:40, and HARD. Eff that.
11.5-13 - Shoulda been 10-9:45. Eeked out a 10:20-ish. Want to die. Roasting, it's a thousand degrees and sunny. Pretty sure I will not survive. Want to take advantage of auto-pause, but I feel like that's cheating, so I don't. I walk a bit. I run. I hate life. I'm miserable.
13-13.1 - 8:55. Done.
My shiny new PR*: 2:19:24.
I had a secret, back-of-my-mind goal of 2:15. Considering Mermaid is pretty pancake flat, and was in cooler, less sunny weather, I bet I would have made it.
Oh well.
Maybe next time.
i am dumb,
mermaid half
Friday, February 10, 2012
Team Gab - WEEK 4 WINNER!
Wednesday night, I attended the PCRF Team Captain kick off meeting.
PCRF is celebrating its 30th year of supporting research to treat and end childhood cancers.
So many of you have donated - THANK YOU. At the meeting, I learned that PCRF has raised over $28 MILLIONS dollars to fund research. Many of the research programs that they are helping to fund are implemented right away - the dollars you've donated have treated people virtually immediately.
I've mentioned before that since Gabby entered maintenance, her chemo at home is pretty easy.
This is about half of what we used to have for her.
Because of the research funded by PCRF and your donations, someday, it will be even less.
Or, non-existent.
Wouldn't that be fantastic.
And we are among the very, very lucky. I mean.. look at this kid.
In less than one year. It's pretty amazing.
Anyway, in our Team Captain packets were some pediatric cancer facts...
You can CLICK HERE to donate to PCRF and support funding for research to treat and abolish childhood cancers.
And if you're donating anyway, have you already joined the Team Gab Virtual Race?? Check out this link for the giant giveaway - there are TONS of great prizes by Road ID, ViiAD jewelry, Team Sparkle, and more. Way more. Seriously, so much more.
AND, no pressure, but Team Gab is down to THIRD place in the team fundraising....
$361 from 2nd place, and $501 from 1st.
I'm just saying.
If you're interested in running the PCRF races, but not sure if you're capable (duh, of COURSE you are), they offer a training program similar to Team in Training - for a minimum fundraising amount, they will provide coaching, group runs, and more fun than should be possible. You can email me (hmgiraffy@gmail.com) or click HERE for more information. There are seriously GREAT fundraising incentives - seriously, I'm not exaggerating. Shoes, tech shirts, jackets, FREE HOTEL at the start/finish line. It's no joke. And the fundraising minimums are looooow. {Note: if you've ALREADY registered with Team Gab, and WANT to switch to the VIP training program, LET ME KNOW - I can have you moved, and you can get the prizes, too.}
Did I mention VIP participants get entry to the VIP tent post-race, with food (real food, like FOOD food), and drinks - and by drinks, I mean beer.
THANK YOU to everyone who has run your Virtual Race!!
I think I caught everyone, and hunted down a few reports, but IF I AM MISSING YOU, please email me! I would love to link you!
Jess was the first one to complete her run! Check out her 10K report here!
Alene at Journey to Badwater didn't just run - she raced IN COSTUME and placed in her AG. Badass. Seriously, you have to check out this report - 80's costumes are hysterical.
Sabrina at Just Plodding Along organized a group run in Arizona, and donated over $200!! And, she made delicious chocolate chip pancakes.
Jen at From Fat to Finish Line ran her very first 10K - honored to host it ;).
Jen at Running with the Girls ran her 10K in what appears to be ALL THE SNOW.
Nicole at Becoming Another Mother Runner dedicated her Tinker Bell Half to Team Gab!
Happier Heather ran a sketchy, icy 5K, and killed her previous year time.
Jennifer at Mom's Running It! and her husband ran the 10K, and BOTH PR'ed!
Jen at Runner.... Maybe ran a 10K, and battled power outages (crazy).
Alma, the Kim to Team Gab.
Alex at Healthy Life Happy Wife (love) ran the 10K, a DISTANCE PR for her!
Bobbi at Zero to 26.2 Chicago Polar Dash 1/2 Marathon in what also appears to be ALL THE SNOW. (SERIOUSLY, snow runners, I don't know how you do it).
Marcia, The Stud, almost missed her SoCal race, but made it and dedicated Carlsbad Half to Team Gab. STILL bummed we missed each other!
Heather at Go, Girl, Go ran the ING Miami half but is busy traveling the world because she has my dream job and hasn't posted her report ;).
And, I know you scrolled through all of that babble and you're realllllly just looking for a winner, right?
Winner, winner...
Congratulations, Bobbi! Go check out the prizes, and let me know what you'd like!
For the month of February, ChaCha will be donating 20% of her Etsy sales to Team Gab! SHOP SHOP SHOP - her stuff is freaking adorable!
And of course, BIC Bands is still on the bandwagon, and donating a portion of their January and February sales as well!
PCRF is celebrating its 30th year of supporting research to treat and end childhood cancers.
So many of you have donated - THANK YOU. At the meeting, I learned that PCRF has raised over $28 MILLIONS dollars to fund research. Many of the research programs that they are helping to fund are implemented right away - the dollars you've donated have treated people virtually immediately.
I've mentioned before that since Gabby entered maintenance, her chemo at home is pretty easy.
This is about half of what we used to have for her.
Because of the research funded by PCRF and your donations, someday, it will be even less.
Or, non-existent.
Wouldn't that be fantastic.
And we are among the very, very lucky. I mean.. look at this kid.
In less than one year. It's pretty amazing.
Anyway, in our Team Captain packets were some pediatric cancer facts...
You can CLICK HERE to donate to PCRF and support funding for research to treat and abolish childhood cancers.
And if you're donating anyway, have you already joined the Team Gab Virtual Race?? Check out this link for the giant giveaway - there are TONS of great prizes by Road ID, ViiAD jewelry, Team Sparkle, and more. Way more. Seriously, so much more.
AND, no pressure, but Team Gab is down to THIRD place in the team fundraising....
$361 from 2nd place, and $501 from 1st.
I'm just saying.
If you're interested in running the PCRF races, but not sure if you're capable (duh, of COURSE you are), they offer a training program similar to Team in Training - for a minimum fundraising amount, they will provide coaching, group runs, and more fun than should be possible. You can email me (hmgiraffy@gmail.com) or click HERE for more information. There are seriously GREAT fundraising incentives - seriously, I'm not exaggerating. Shoes, tech shirts, jackets, FREE HOTEL at the start/finish line. It's no joke. And the fundraising minimums are looooow. {Note: if you've ALREADY registered with Team Gab, and WANT to switch to the VIP training program, LET ME KNOW - I can have you moved, and you can get the prizes, too.}
Did I mention VIP participants get entry to the VIP tent post-race, with food (real food, like FOOD food), and drinks - and by drinks, I mean beer.
THANK YOU to everyone who has run your Virtual Race!!
I think I caught everyone, and hunted down a few reports, but IF I AM MISSING YOU, please email me! I would love to link you!
Jess was the first one to complete her run! Check out her 10K report here!
Alene at Journey to Badwater didn't just run - she raced IN COSTUME and placed in her AG. Badass. Seriously, you have to check out this report - 80's costumes are hysterical.
Sabrina at Just Plodding Along organized a group run in Arizona, and donated over $200!! And, she made delicious chocolate chip pancakes.
Jen at From Fat to Finish Line ran her very first 10K - honored to host it ;).
Jen at Running with the Girls ran her 10K in what appears to be ALL THE SNOW.
Nicole at Becoming Another Mother Runner dedicated her Tinker Bell Half to Team Gab!
Happier Heather ran a sketchy, icy 5K, and killed her previous year time.
Jennifer at Mom's Running It! and her husband ran the 10K, and BOTH PR'ed!
Jen at Runner.... Maybe ran a 10K, and battled power outages (crazy).
Alma, the Kim to Team Gab.
Alex at Healthy Life Happy Wife (love) ran the 10K, a DISTANCE PR for her!
Bobbi at Zero to 26.2 Chicago Polar Dash 1/2 Marathon in what also appears to be ALL THE SNOW. (SERIOUSLY, snow runners, I don't know how you do it).
Marcia, The Stud, almost missed her SoCal race, but made it and dedicated Carlsbad Half to Team Gab. STILL bummed we missed each other!
Heather at Go, Girl, Go ran the ING Miami half but is busy traveling the world because she has my dream job and hasn't posted her report ;).
And, I know you scrolled through all of that babble and you're realllllly just looking for a winner, right?
Winner, winner...
Congratulations, Bobbi! Go check out the prizes, and let me know what you'd like!
For the month of February, ChaCha will be donating 20% of her Etsy sales to Team Gab! SHOP SHOP SHOP - her stuff is freaking adorable!
And of course, BIC Bands is still on the bandwagon, and donating a portion of their January and February sales as well!
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