There are a few reasons for this change... it's one part frugality, one part a personal challenge, one part a sense of responsibility. I'd like to think we can be self-sufficient in the (unlikely, and yet still real) event of some catastrophy. I mean, obviously these are teeny, tiny, microscopic baby steps towards that, but... I'm just saying. It's part of a giant, umbrealla-like, overall life change.
I'm on "No 'Poo" day... 20? I think? And so far, it's all going swimmingly. My routine so far is to rinse with just water most days. I "wash" with a honey/baking soda paste every 5-6 days... those days, I also rinse with an apple cider vinegar rinse as well.
My magic recipe... 2 Tbs baking soda, 1/2 tsp water, and just dump in some honey.

Then, I massage it into my roots for a minute. Rinse out. Done!
Snork was skeptical of my honey/baking soda funk, but... I think she's just jealous. So far, my hair has not revolted like I've heard some other peoples' did... In fact, my ONLY complaint is that yesterday, and today, it might feel a little dry.

I'm going to be rolling this out to kidlets as soon as their shampoo and conditioner have run dry. So far, they're on board... I think anything that will get them out of the tub faster will be a win in their books.
#2 chopped the peppers and grated the ginger (I did the onions for her), and washed the lettuce.

I'm not sure why the chopsticks were necessary... #1 is obsessed with them, she tries to eat cereal with them.
- Half of a blueberry bagel, 1 Tbs cream cheese
- I made a killer lunch in my bento box today... leftover chicken wraps, sauteed greenbeans and peppers (with rice wine vinegar/soy sauce vinaigrette), cucumbers, and blackberries
- 1 tiny bag of M&M's
- 10 animal crackers