Thursday, July 28, 2011

Three Things Thursday

1. Race pictures that don't suck? Who knew it was even possible!?



2. I've had hair issues since Running Day 1 - I have a LOT of hair, it's thick, it's frizzy, it's LONG, it's dumb. On top of that, I'm a pretty irritable runner, and cannot STAND to have my hair touching me. I've tried braids, pony tails, a bun... nothing REALLY satisfied me... until I stole Mom vs Marathon's double buns! Magic. Thanks, MvM, for the inspiration!

3. I haven't run since Sunday. My knee is bugging. I think I'm perhaps too old for this nonsense.

.....and, because I like you, here's a bonus.

4. A hug is like a strangle you haven't finished yet.


  1. Those pictures ARE good! I'm gonna go check out those double buns.

  2. Ahaha I love the copernicus reference!

  3. Love the buns!

    I am feeling old this week too. Hang in there.

  4. Those are great pictures! I usually look severely constipated in mine :(

    I chopped off all my hair when I started distance running. Could not stand the hair on my neck. Double buns is a great idea.

    I've been feeling old for months. Maybe... I am?


  5. I'm growing my hair out just so I can put it in a ponytail while I run. Right now, it drives me CRAZY

  6. Nice pics!!

    My hair sucks to. It's always in a ponytail. If it's not my hair is falling out everywhere. sucks

  7. Your race pictures are actually very good! I hate my race pictures too. They never look like I'm running, and I look at least 20 pounds heavier and I look like I'm having a miserable time (& I'm and not). Trust me, your pics are lovely!

  8. I did braids once and felt like a tool, the buns are cute!


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