Friday, February 4, 2011

Today Rocks

1. I got this text from the H this morning...

Gab hasn't looked sideways at fruit or veggies in weeks. I am so stoked :D.

2. I got my bib number for the Disney Princess Half Marathon... I suppose that makes it Official!!

3. You guys rock. My fundraising for Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation has gone super well, and thank you to so many of you for reposting! Link here if you've missed it.

4. Don't forget my CSN giveaway! Don't forget, you'll get an extra entry just for reposting my fundraising story! Plus, Little Fruit Fly and her mad Googling skills earned an extra 5 entries for naming Serenity as the movie I snagged my quote from :D

5. I have my first training run with PCRF this weekend, and I'm excited. It's short, so I'll have to add on a bunch of miles to hit my long run.

6. I'm trying a recipe this weekend for a potato, sausage, and kale soup, and my cousins are coming over to share it with me.

7. I took (another) night off from running yesterday, and I think it was the right choice. I've been icing, stretching, and I think I slept off an oncoming cold, but woke up today feeling fantastic.

8. I think I might go vegetarian again after I hit the farmers market this weekend.... Hmm.

9. My sister is coming to visit in 2 weeks!

and finally, but best of all...

10. We had a procedure with Gabby on Wednesday (bone marrow biopsy and lumbar puncture - ick), and found out not only are her numbers doing GREAT, her ANC number (the complicated number that's calculated based off of a lot of other stuff, but for a real definition, you can click here) is around 600. It was ZERO when we left the hospital... and, I hear, at around 750 you can start discussing with your doctor taking her out (in the shade) for walks :D.


  1. So much great news on your blog today -- I love all this happiness!!

  2. 1. Awesome - and yummy! Bananas are so good!
    2. How did you get your bib number???? I want one!!
    3. Why am I such a procrastinator?? I need to donate, dang it. Slacker Ronda, right here!
    4. Woohoo - I'm famous! And I still need to enter!
    10. That is such great news!!!

    **The mail man told me you should get your package by Saturday. I hope he didn't lie to me!

  3. Never mind ... I found the waiver section. OMG - and my name shows up twice, just like it should - one per race. Oooh--- this is soooo exciting!!

  4. woo congrats on the Disney Princess Half Marathon! If I were ever to do a marathon- a princess one sounds good!

  5. Yay for all of it! So glad things are looking up! Bananas rock!

  6. So much awesomeness! Great news! All of it!

  7. Yeah for Gabby!

    Kale, potatoes, and sausage is one of my favorite combos. Love it!


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