Monday, March 26, 2012

Plan for the Week....

Last week:
Monday: 7 crappy miles
Wednesday: Conditioning class, 800's! 1 mi warm up, 6x800 @ 4:40 (9:20 pace), cool down to 7 miles total. Actual: 1.1 warm up, 4:25, 4:27, 4:28, 4:28, 4:28, 4:13, 1.4 cool down
Saturday: 16 miles. Did you see that? SIXTEEN MILES. Finished dead on 3 hours. Felt FANTASTIC.

And that includes the final 8 miles with PCRF on this ridiculous route.

Damn. I cut off the elevation notes on the left. But, it was 400 feet, in about a mile. Not anything CRAZY. But it was fairly hard for a mile.

For my records, so I remember what worked for me: Honey stinger waffle 30 minutes before. GU at 5 miles. Half Clif bar at 8 miles (while meeting up with PCRF group, so I had a few minutes of a break in between). Clif shot at 12 miles. Nuun.

I've got time to keep experimenting. The idea of downing nothing but GU for 5 hours does not really appeal to me. So, in the meantime, I'm playing around to see what works, and what doesn't.

Plan for this week:
Tuesday: 8 miles easy
Wednesday: Conditioning, maybe a yoga class?
Thursday: Speeeed work, 8 miles
Saturday: 18 miles. EIGHTEEN.

I got something Saturday.

They're so pretty. They're so bright. They're so RED.


I tested them on a quick jog yesterday, and they are like MAGIC.

Also, I'm dressed in compression socks AND tights. You know. Because it was breezy and 58* here when I went out. What you can't see is the long sleeve shirt and jacket.

Shut it, I know.

And then I downed a container of strawberries, pretty much in one sitting.

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  1. Cute shoes! What Adidas model are they?

    You ate a crapload of random stuff on your run. But if variety works for your stomach and sanity, go for it!

  2. LOVE the red shoes!!! They are awesome!

  3. Try a little protein before you run, it will help the carbs by keeping your blood sugar from crashing so soon. I can eat anything- McDonald's breakfast sandwich, but almond butter on rice cakes works for me, etc. It's an experiment of one. And I'm far enough away from you that I won't get puked on in case something backfires! :-) Go Heather!

  4. nice kicks! I won't mock you, but I wore shorts and a tee for my run friday, and it was 59 degrees : )

  5. Nice shoes! I love colourful running shoes!

  6. I am literally laughing out loud at how bundled up you are. I ran outside this morning and it was 28 degrees at start, 29 degrees at finish (20 miles, mostly in the dark). I wore one long sleeved shirt, thin gloves and shorts. 30 is a heat wave for me. :)

  7. Your shoes are breath-taking. My blue shoes and your red shoes are going to be the best of Ragnar buddies :).

  8. post 18 miles--- LOTS OF BERRIES. Antioxidants.

  9. Great shoes and way to kill that long run!

  10. I would melt in that. But I'm shutting up!


    And more important ... EIGHTEEN!!! Wow!!

    16 was HUGE as it was. I'm in awe!


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