The nurse paused, and asked how old she is. "She's so mature for four!"
I don't want my 4 year old to be... mature.
We got our road map for the next phase of chemo, that she starts next week. It's called "Delayed Intensification", and they're not really joking. It's pretty intense. She'll lose her hair again, but we expected that. The Steroid makes another appearance. I was googling some of the drugs that are being introduced, and found this gem amongst the descriptions of side-effects:
Due to these side effects and its red color, it has earned the nickname "red
devil" or "red death."
I've been freaking out a little (in case you hadn't noticed...) about the half this weekend. Can I stick the pace I'd like to, for 13 miles? Seems so tough.
Probably less tough than giving your child an IV loaded with "red death".
In the end, my goal time is irrelevant.
We raised, you, me, this blog, over $2000 for Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation.
The team I'm on raised over $45,000.
That all goes to find better treatments. Treatments better than this.
You can still donate through this weekend, LINK HERE.
But you can make a difference in so many other ways, too.
Volunteer for an event. Volunteer for office work, for a local foundation or charity. Volunteer at a local children's hospital.
Kids are resilient. They're stronger than we think. They take their treatments, and they often don't say a word. They don't complain. They don't let it phase them.
But they shouldn't have to be strong. They shouldn't have to be mature. They should be... kids.
Enough preachy preachy.
A bunch of people are running this weekend - I know Little Fruit Fly and (Just) Trying are running Eugene, and Skinny Runner (and maybe Bro?!). Rad Runner and Canadian in Exile are hitting the OC Marathon. Once Upon A (L)ime and I are doing PCRF Cinco De Mayo Half (not together, she's way fast).
I know I've forgotten a bunch, but good luck everyone!