Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest.

Childhood cancer, in our numbers ....

487 days ago, Gabby had a lingering cough.

12 - the age my oldest was turning the next day; we had plans, and didn't have time for a sick kid.

1 - the number of birthday parties we had in the pediatric oncology ICU

485 - days ago, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia became A Thing.

485 - the number of days Gabby has smiled since then

481 - days ago, Gabby underwent surgery to implant a port on her chest to facilitate chemo. The port attaches to a catheter, which is inserted in the superior vena cavain, a large vein near her heart. It's placed here because it's the vein is large, and can handle the chemo. The chemo would destroy her veins if administered through an IV.

20 - the number of days we lived in the hospital.

11 - the number of different medications she was on when we brought her home from the hospital.

3 - the number of medications she's on right now at home.

12 - the number of pills she takes at home every Thursday night

22 - the number of days from diagnosis that it took for Gabby to lose her hair.

2 - the number of times she has lost her hair during treatment

2 - number of bone marrow biopsies Gabby has had so far

11 - the number of lumbar punctures Gabby has had so far

10 - pounds gained in the first month on steroids


95% - Gabby's 5 year survival rate once she completes treatment.

84% - Gabby's 10 year survival rate.

1,304 - the number of children expected to die from cancer in 2012

23% - estimated chance of infertility as a result of childhood cancer treatments

1 - the number of childhood cancer drugs approved by the FDA in 20 years.

9 - different chemotherapy drugs involved in her treatment

2 - the number of those drugs that specifically warn of potentially causing cancer

2 - the number of those drugs that we have experienced a potential shortage of

2,370 - the number of dollars we raised for Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation last year

56,000 - the number of dollars OC/IE Team in Training Team Gab raised last fall

63,000 - the number of dollars the PCRF VIP Training group has raised this year (as of almost 2 weeks ago...)
18 - the number of friends running for Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation on Team Gab with me Sunday

6,071 - the amount we've raised this year supporting PCRF

5 - the number of days before half marathon #7

5 - the number of days left to donate to fight pediatric cancer. CLICK HERE TO DONATE.

304 - days until remission


  1. 4 - the number of days til I race Wildflower Long Course for TeamGab! Good luck this weekend!!!

  2. I'm so grateful to be a part of Team Gab and can't wait to pound some asphalt in the name of childhood cancer with you. The numbers are heartbreaking, infuriating, and motivating - we can make a difference.

  3. Love this - talk about perspective. You guys ROCK!

  4. I'm so excited to be running virtually with you guys on Sunday!

  5. a million... how many hugs i want to give you both.

  6. I know all of the numbers are shocking, but the one that stuck with me was 11 lumbar punctures - that's scary. Your whole family has been through so much in the last 18 months. Much love x

  7. I am so excited to be a part of Team Gab this weekend - I'm with OUaL - let's pound some assphalt and kick cancer in the face this weekend!

    Happy to hear that things with Gab are much brighter than they were 487 days ago.

  8. Gabby has been through things that most adults will never experience. She has the best support and family any child could ever have. Looking forward to tales of many happy, healthy days ahead for all of you.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. She looked so tiny when she was first diagnosed. Prob because she was younger, which is crazy to think what a big ratio of her years on the planet have been lived with cancer. And she's still so freaking positive & happy! A human full of awesome.

  11. She is one special gal.
    You are one special mom.
    I am happy to be one of the 18.
    It will be an honor to run a few miles in Gabby's name!
    See you on Sunday.

  12. 13.1 - number of miles I can run hard as I can to honor your little beauty and all of those tough little kiddos. Can't wait til Sunday!

  13. I love you guys. Wish I was running with you Sunday.

  14. She is just beautiful in every single way. You are an amazing woman. Really.

  15. She's so beautiful. I can't wait until you hit that remission number and tell cancer to go take a flying leap (and I'm using nice language here!)

  16. This post blew me away. I cannot even believe how strong Gabby is, and what an example she sets for non only cancer patients, but for everyone. You, my dear, are also ridiculously hardcore. I have no idea how you keep it together.

  17. GO team gabby!! thank you for sharing the stats. you’ve got a strong, brave little girl. and have a GREAT race this weekend!

  18. As I read this aloud to my mom I'd think we just went through a huge range of emotions. It just all breaks my heart. I don't know how you are always so strong through this ... but then I'm really impressed with how awesome Gabby herself has been! She's quite a little role model!

    I hope the whole team has a fabulous time running together tomorrow!!


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