Success: Bourbon chicken, quesadillas.
That's it. Two days.
Now, with that said, I did manage to NOT eat out any days, at all. We just scavenged for random stuff because I didn't feel like or was too tired to or was to busy to cook.
I did make quinoa yesterday, but it was part of a fab dinner party with the Snork's. Which, somehow, didn't get photographed with the rest of dinner...

So awesome. I want to make them and eat them all day every day, forever. Mmmm.
Anyway. I mean, I'll keep making these "Meal Plans", but... it's not looking good, y'know? Maybe this just isn't something I'm good at. In my favor, it's a short week... Just Monday and Wednesday.
Monday (today): Chicken breast, rice pilaf, steamed brocolli.
Tuesday: Ordering pizza (it's planned, so it doesn't count as a fail!)
Wednesday: Chicken stir fry... must prep veggies Tuesday night.
Thursday-Sunday: We head out for weekend of camping!
Since 2 seems to be my maximum commitment level, I'll just leave it here.
And, I am linking up to Org Junkie, who has really good ideas, which probably work better on someone who sucks less.