Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else."

I had a pretty simple goal to Suck Less this year. I mean, really, it's not that hard to do, right? Just do ONE teeny thing better, and you've already accomplished it!

I've been pretty bummy lately... March was The Month of Sucking More. Gym was a fail, work was pretty sucky, frugality was non-existent. It was a pretty rough time, overall. I mean, Cruising with Snork was awesome, but the rest of the month? Suck.

So, right now, I'm going to to focus on what hasn't sucked this month. Focus on the little things, and eventually, they add up, right?

Awesome recent events, things, thoughts, etc:

REI dividends went out last week, along with the member 20% off coupon.... which equals new hiking shoes for me! Woot!They're actually trail running shoes, because I have this idea that I might... run? On trails? Laughable, I realize, but it could happen.
But they're pretty rad. I think. I haven't tried them out yet, 'cause I just got them yesterday, but I wore them to work today (yes, they looked at me funny), and I think we have a winner!

We went to Disneyland a few weekends ago, and it.was.packed. We did hit up King Arthur's Carousel, which Baby is a big fan of....
She suddenly decided - despite dozens of previous rides - that she's terrified of Pirates of the Caribbean.... Sigh. She'll have to just suffer, 'cause I heart that one. She'll get over it, right?

I mentioned before that I found this super rad farmers market, really close to my house, with all types of locally grown goodies... such as these blue pumpkins.
I have no clue what they taste like, if they're worth trying, but I love finding fun, new produce, particularly if it's a fun color... like blue.

I finally got some decent hiking in last weekend. The H and I hit the Laurel Canyon trail at Laguna Coast Wilderness Park. It isn't my most favorite trail ever, but it's close, and parking is $3 (vs. $15 at Crystal Cove - which IS my fave). The good news is, it's wildflower season, so even this mediocre hike was saved by... POPPIES!!
I cannot express, in words, how much I adore poppies. For no real reason, really, but they look so fresh, and happy, all floating about colorful-like.

I also found these super pretty things, which are apparently called Lupines? Thanks, random hiking dude.
I'm trying to get out to Joshua Tree this weekend, so hopefully the flowers will still be in bloom, and my shoes will be awesome!

My friend Squirrel has booked a trip for Weekend of Awesome Part 2 in May... I couldn't be more psyched about that!

I actually made my lunch at work, even though I really, REALLY wanted to buy something warm and toasty off of the lunch truck today. Instead, I chowed down on some salad and half a turkey sandwich on wheat. Downside to this, is after tomorrow my heavenly goat cheese will be gone. Upside, it gives me a reason to hit the farmers market this weekend.

I'm going to post out here, for the world (or, like, all 10 of you reading this, including my sister) to see.... tomorrow, I am Gymming with Snork.... Thursday too. But Friday, and any other day that I can't (kidlet issues), I will pack my gym stuff, and ACTUALLY use it during my lunch hour. It's a radical idea, I know, but it could just work. I mean, that 5K isn't gonna run itself, right?!

Suck less, Heather. Suck.Less.

1 comment:

  1. What did you do to that kid to make her hate Pirates!??!? That makes her aunt very sad :(

    Blue.... Pumpkins???? Creepy


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