Showing posts with label bugs are gross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bugs are gross. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Three Things Thursday

1. The H has been following some super intense 90 day workout stuff, like a P90X type program. I originally bought it AGES ago, when I thought it would be a nice compliment to the 10-15 miles a week I was running. Turns out, running 30-40 mile weeks, it's way less interesting. Also, it looked really hard and unfun. Anyway, he's about 70 days in, and... man. It works.

And, since yesterday was cross training day, and he was doing arms/chest, I decided to join him!

I've been pretty regularly doing some arm program I have on an app on my phone (so it MUST be legit...), and thought it was okay.

And last night, doing the DVD stuff, I was like, eh. This is a little hard, but not terrible.
But this morning? Hello, triceps. Ouch.

Verrrrrrrry tricky, DVD. Very tricky.

2. Our weather has been glorious and cool for a few days. Today? High around 80. By Saturday and Sunday (when I'm supposed to run 5 and 20 miles, respectively)? High 90. WHAT IS THAT, SO CAL?? Stop being so rude.

I had grand cooking plans, involving empenada dough and beef stew this weekend. Out the window, I guess. Rude.

3. Tuesday night, after an arduous day at the office (not really), a hard run (really), then having to go to the store, and FINALLY getting home around 8, I step out of my car, and almost right on top of a damn giant vicious BUG.

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I told the girls, and #2 and #3 wanted to go laugh at me check it out. After some net wrangling....
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
The H captured it so we could all glare look at it...
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

...before releasing it back into the wild. RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY CAR. I'm telling you, getting to my car the next morning, in the dark, was terrifying. Something that looks like that surely holds a grudge.


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