Showing posts with label #BobHarperLive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #BobHarperLive. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2012

A change will do you good... PFTW

Whine whine whine whine whine.

Last week:
Monday: Yoga for runners
Tuesday: Progression Run *
Wednesday: Arms/Shoulders
Thursday: 8 miles strides **
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 5 easy ***
Sunday: 20 easy ***

Total miles: 40.

* Tuesday's progression run wasn't good. It wasn't BAD - it took a bunch of time for me to feel like I was warmed up and not running like a 3 legged goat, but once I did it was okay-ish. But the paces I was supposed to be running, they SHOULD have felt pretty easy, and they DID NOT. 2 @ 11, 2 @ 10:30, 2 @ 10, 1 @ 9:30. Actual: 10:58, 10:54, 10:31, 10:21, 10:01, 10:00, 9:17. Obviously I hit them, but it felt way harder than I thought it should.

** This sucked. Actually, that's exactly what I wrote in my DailyMile entry.
*** I was really excited to run with The H again Saturday. After last weekend's glorious run, I thought it was my one chance for running redemption in a shitty week. And then it sucked, and I was meeeaaaaan. Poor H. The 20 wasn't much better - I ran the first 10 outside, but then it got HOT, so I took it to the treadmill for the rest, and they got progressively suckier, while my pace got worse and worse.

I just don't know what's wrong with me. Last training cycle, I was total BFF's with my long runs. I looked forward to them every week, I loved the feeling of finishing, they were great.

And every week, this (abbreviated) cycle, I think MAYBE, this will be the one that redeems all of the others. And then it's not. Ugh.

I tried some different things this week, too, figuring if what I'm doing isn't working, might as well change it up. No dice. I started REALLY conservative, considering the paces I've been running, and I still ended up totally blowing up. LAME.

Thankfully, this is a cut back week, and my "long run" this weekend is a trail half marathon with Rose. THANK GOD.


This week:
Monday: Cross training
Tuesday: Yasso 800's grossssssss
Wednesday: Cross Training
Thursday: 8 miles easy, Yoga
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Chino Hills Trail Half
Sunday: 6 easy, cross training


This week, I'm starting a 2 Week Challenge with Bob Harper Live and Mamavation. So, my plan might shift around a little bit depending on how I'm feeling (I think I'm probably moving my Yasso's to Thursday anyway....), but overall, I think some cross training sure can't hurt. I've been cross training, more than I normally do, but it's still kind of half-assed. So...

Anyway. Participants in the previous challenges have lost over 940 pounds and 677 inches. Not too shabby, eh?
I'm not 100% sure what the challenge schedule is, but for 2 weeks, I'm willing to give it a shot.

Want to join? Check out the post at Mamavation HERE, and sign up - the challenge starts today!


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