Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What if something's on tv and it's never shown again?

I woke up this morning and it was 42* outside. What the heck, OC, I thought we were being friends. Brrr.

I was the most jealous human EVER this weekend watching all the cool kids enjoying Wine and Dine weekend. 2013, this is a priority.

This weekend, we did a LOT OF SHOPPING (but not a lot of buying). #1 was on the hunt for some new shoes, and a dress for a field trip at the end of the month. Hot dang, she is difficult sometimes.

The views while shopping don't really suck.
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If you look closely, there is a tiny, tiny bit of snow on some mountains back there. I swear.
During the shopping expedition, I spied with my little eye these beautiful hot pink, patent leather Kate Spade slingbacks....
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They were $50. I don't know why they didn't leave with me. 

Gabby is on The Steroid again. In case you've missed it, The Steroid makes her kind of a jerk. A hungry jerk. There's not much fun about an unreasonable, famished kid. So far, it's been pretty mild, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she remains that way for her poor teacher today. Good luck, Mrs. A.

Saturday night, she walked into the living room, and demanded to LAY ON SOMEONE RIGHT NOW. And collapsed. Then she did this.
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Okay, then.

Friday night, I went to a Road Runner Sports VIP event in Laguna, and met up with Sheila and her kidlets. They're hysterical. I spent some time prancing around in some trail shoes....
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It's a PureGrit vs Cascadia show down. I'm super enamored wtih the Flow's and Glycerin's, so I think I'm sticking with Brooks for now. Why mess with a good thing.

I feel remarkably good for having just run 20 miles. And I was a little hungry yesterday, but not really as bad as I thought I remembered from spring marathon training. Huh.

I'm on the fence about IMS Arizona. I registered when it was STUPID cheap, like, $35, and I haven't booked any travel yet, so I'm not losing much if I flake. But I hate flakes, so I don't know. I might drop to the half, instead. Eh.

I'm feeling pretty MEH about the World War Z trailer - you can watch it HERE. I really, REALLY liked the book, but I don't know that there's a really good way to turn that book into a movie. And this certainly isn't it. I don't know. It might be a fine film, but it's certainly not World War Z. MEH.

The end.


  1. Ok. We need to talk about why those red beauties were left behind.

  2. I thought you were going to tell me one of my fav TV shows was cancelled. When that happens, I'm always bummed. I already know that Private Practice is done.

    I hope Gabby was a delight today.

    Bummer about AZ, you ALMOST had me convinced to sign up with you 100 years ago when you signed up, alas, I needed to do AZ in January.

  3. I so wish I could wear the Pure shoes. The Glycerines are fine but I gave away my Flow & Cadence. Boo. Trail shoes - what's your next trail run? Our season doesn't pick up until spring but after reading about you & Becca, want to add some to my list for 2013.

  4. ^
    Trails are the funnerest. I swear I never want to run anything ever again if it isn't Disney or a trail.

    Also, I love the Flows but NOT for running... I think they are TOO minimal. But, I wear them around on the weekends (in the event I'm not wearing Uggs or flip flops).

    I'm the laziest ever.

  5. on the fence about IMS arizona too...might be fun to make a weekend out of it esp because it is dirt cheap. I could consider. We did reg for SUPER DUPER cheap...

  6. We have an independently owned shoe outlet here in town, and I bought a pair of PureCadence for $29.99 there several months ago. I don't run in them, but I love them as my everyday kicks.

    I didn't even know they were making that into a movie.

  7. Those red shoes are amazing pretty. I am sure I would have left them too because I would have no where to wear them. I love my Pure Flows too, I am thinking I need some more!

  8. Those red shoes are amazing pretty. I am sure I would have left them too because I would have no where to wear them. I love my Pure Flows too, I am thinking I need some more!

  9. back on the steroid. BOO. hope she’s doing okay. and seriously. i thought you were going back for the shoes!!!!!


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