Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Banff Marathon Training - Week 10/11

I don't have a lot to recap for week 10/11 because I did almost nothing!

Week 10...

Mon 3/14: Upper Body Strength 

Tues: nothing? Went for Covid tests. 

Wed: more nothing. Went for more Covid tests, because I was confused. 

Thurs/Fri: Flying forever. I spent the whole week panicked over Covid testing: I understood the testing entry requirements for NL to be a negative PCR within 48 hours of your flight. I did not consider that it could be from the connecting flight, not the originating flight, and the Verifly app (which is HOT GARBAGE) wouldn't accept our original covid tests because they were 48 hours from our AUS-DFW flight, but more than 48 hours from our DFW-AMS flight. In a panic, we went and got a second test on Wednesday, but we didn't have results by the time we had to leave for the airport, and we still hadn't checked into our flights 3 hours before we were scheduled to leave. B was acting like I was a crazy person, but I was like 64% sure we wouldn't be getting on a plane that day. 

But, the agent checked us in with our original tests and everything was fine and we had a generally easy flight, and I even managed to sleep for a few hours. For some reason, B didn't wake me up for breakfast (why??), so when we finally landed in Amsterdam, I was famished. 

Passport control was easy, we figured out the train and metro super quickly, and made it to our hotel within an hour. We spent the day wandering around with no specific plans. 

The crookedness of these houses freaked me out all weekend.

We ate at Ter Marsch near the Bloemenmarkt. Every chance I got, I ordered french fries, bitterballen, and beer. I liked this beer so much I bought some to bring home. 

B: Are you really going to pet that dog? 
Me: ....do you even know me?

I like him. 

Sat: We'd booked a tour of the Anne Frank House and a canal cruise this day! We picked up delicious mini pancakes with nutella on our walk over.

The tour was hard, but moving, and even though I feel very familiar with the story of Anne Frank and the circumstances that led to this space, it was well worth the time. 

After that, we walked around for awhile, through Dam Square, and then into the Jordaan neighborhood and we ran into a giant farmers market where I ate so much cheese. 

We grabbed lunch at Bar Kartel where I had (surprise) more bitterballen and more beer. 

Oedipus came highly recommended from a couple friends, and they were right, it was delightful!

After stopping at the hotel to pick up our coats, we headed back out to get to our canal cruise! I took a ton of pictures, but they all essentially look like this: 
Canals, boats, skinny tall buildings.

We booked an evening cruise during sunset, and it was lovely - by the time we were heading back, the bridges had lights up and everything looked beautiful. 

I'd booked an Indonesian restaurant for dinner - and ordered literally everything. 

The dishes are all Indonesian, but the concept of this gigantic spread of things is colonial, from the days when the Dutch plopped themselves in Indonesia and wanted to show off and impress visitors with the bounty of this land they colonized. This meal was so good, and everything I hoped it would be - the dark tiny dish on the bottom right is some sort of chicken that my grandmother used to make for us, but she died before I could get the recipe from her. I tried, but she always avoided the question, and would only say, "chicken, there's soy sauce, a lot of things". At dinner, I tried asking the owner of the restaurant (it was a very small place, he was very chatty), and he was like, "Chicken, soya sauce, that's it, things!". IDK what it is with Indonesians and this specific dish, but it's apparently a big secret. As was their "house cocktail - a tropical delight".

Anyway, if you're in Amsterdam, and specifically looking for traditional Indonesian food, Srikandi is great. 

Sun: Sunday we moved from Amsterdam to Utrecht for a few days! Even though 48 hours in Amsterdam was not nearly enough, I was excited to scoot to somewhere a little quieter and less chaotic, and it was a good location between our Monday plans and the airport Tuesday. We had no real plans for the day, and just spent the day wandering around again and popping into whatever looked interesting. 


We had dinner at another Indonesian restaurant, Spice Monkey.  
I haven't had a spekkoek I didn't make in 20 years?!

Another mystery "house tropical cocktail"

I really liked Utrecht and it's worth a day trip! 

Mon: One of the reasons Netherlands has been on my travel bucket list was because my grandparents lived here for a long time, and they always told us how much they loved it. They were both Indonesian, of Dutch & Swiss descent; during the Japanese invasion of Indonesia during WW2, they were lucky to both survive and after the war were able to eventually repatriate to Switzerland and then the Netherlands, and settling in The Hague. I've seen so many pictures of their home there, and on their visits back when I was little, they always sent postcards from the Hague, the beaches, the miniature village park nearby. So even though this was a very short trip, visiting the place they considered home was a priority for me. 

After a quick train ride, we hopped on a tram down to their old neighborhood and like a creepy creeper, I stood outside their old home and took pictures. 
Sorry, new homeowners. 

Then we spent the rest of the morning wandering around looking at all the embassies, palaces, and fancy buildings. 

Binnenhof, Dutch Parliament

After lunch, we hopped back on the tram for our second destination of the day, the North Sea! B only asked for two things this trip - to see the Red Light District (eyeroll) and the beach (what), so we headed to the beach town of Scheveningen. The water was very cold, and it very sandy. I do not like the beach in Holland any more than I like it in the States, but I had a nice beer on the pier and more french fries. 

Then we headed back on the tram to the train for our third stop of the day, Gouda - home of the delicious, delicious cheese. We only had a few hours here, so we did a quick loop of the city center around the canal and then stopped in the town square for dinner. 

I'm not linking to where we ate because the food was good but the service was exceptionally bad even by European standards and we didn't get everything we ordered after a two hour wait. What we did get was good, especially the beer. 
Plus fries and bitterballen, of course.

By the time we headed out, it was dark and cold and we had to rush to catch the train before it switched to every hour service. I spent the rest of the night watching Texas weather in a panic because there was a tornado breakout in Austin and my kids were all at home in my brand new house and I was freaking out. 
I shared this with my kids, and they were not as amused as I was.

Tues: Woke up early for our Covid tests at the train station before we headed back to the airport. Tried to use the Verifly app again, and somehow this time it was just fine and we got checked in for our flight on the train en route. 

We got to the airport in plenty of time for breakfast, and then some time to lounge in the lounge - I've never lounged in a lounge, and I know this was not a pre-Covid lounge experience (super crowded, some minimal food choices) but I'm never mad about free snacks and beer. 

I was able to get an upgrade offer to business class for our TEN HOUR flight, and it was the best $300 per person that I've ever spent in my life. I drank a shitton of champagne, napped, watched movies, and drank more champagne. It was A DELIGHT. The only downside is that now I'll forever know what I'm missing out on when I don't upgrade. 

ice cream sundae! 

A million years later we landed in Dallas then Austin and then came home. The end. 

I'll summarize the rest of this week as: a fuckton of work catchup and nothing else. 

Sat: I was supposed to head out of town for a girls' weekend with my running group for a half marathon, but decided I was too exhausted and wiped out to do anything, so I didn't go, and spent Saturday cleaning the house, watching tv, grocery shopping, and arranging flowers. It was nice for me. 

Sun: 14 miles. 


This week...
Monday: I did an upper body workout yesterday
Tuesday: 6 mile tempo, lower body
Wednesday: Core
Thursday: 5 miles speeed, lower body
Friday: upper body
Saturday: 10 miles
Sunday: nothing!

Monday, March 14, 2022

Banff Marathon Training - Week 9 PFTW

Last week...

Tues: Hiit (ugh) and burnout butt and thigh (sounds bad), 4 miles speed (4x800?!) Nothing, work got in the way
Wed: core, 4 miles with 4x800. This felt like absolute garbage, but I somehow hit the paces I targeted. Goal 10:10-10:40, actual 10:43, 10:37, 10:22, 10:21. This was really hard. Also entered the NYC lottery for like the 10th time 😶

Thurs: upper body, 4 miles tempo
Fri: lower body Skipped that and only did the 4 mile tempo. I don't remember the last time I did a tempo run, and I almost died. I had to pause at 2 miles and assess my will to continue, did another mile, paused again, and then finished. Goal was 4 miles 11:30-11:50, actual was 4 at 12:04. This was very hard, again. 
Sat: nothing!
Sun: 12 + 1 mile walk with my group. Weather was perfect and company is always good.
We headed to brunch after (hours and hours and carafes and carafes) followed by a nail appointment. I was exhausted by the time I finally got home. Curse this lost hour! 

Next week....
I finished the Fitness Blender strength program I was doing, and we head to Netherlands Thursday, so my schedule is a little loosey goosey.
Tues: lower body maybe, crazy RLRF speedwork, covid tests
Thurs: Tempo again, flying forever
Fri-Sun: Netherlands, no planned running

Monday, March 7, 2022

Banff Marathon Training - Week 8 PFTW

 Last week...

Tues: 4 miles speed (2x1600) + core - aiming for 1600s at 11:13-11:31, actual 11:24 & 11:05.
Wed: Upper body + hiit, short run/walk at Rogue Actually ended up with 1 mile walk, 2 miles on hills, 1 mile walk
Thurs: 5 miles (2 @ tempo)recovery - used my Rogue miles instead of tempo. This was the worst day (at work) and I needed beers and dog walks after my day. 

Sat: 10-12 Spent the day in San Antonio! 

Sun: Headed up to meet my friends for our long run - 7:30 start meant I had to leave at 6:30 and it was already hot and humid. I'm already mad at summer. It ended up being a fine run, and always good times with these ladies. 10 mile run, 1 mile walk.

After my run, I made the loooong trek back home, and took a very quick shower so Lora and I could meet my friend at the Austin FC game! 

We had a great time and WE WON! This was my second game (match? IDK) and both times I've been in the supporters section, which is essentially the most insane people yelling and singing and waving flags the entire 90 minutes and no seats. Just beer and yelling. The weirdest thing happened early, just before the game, when that lady in the white tank top reached down and took something right out of Lora's hand, and then got super angry when we were like whaaaat. People are the worst. So weird. 

Anyway, here's a cute picture of the giant dog being cute and non-chaotic. 

This week....
Tues: Hiit (ugh) and burnout butt and thigh (sounds bad), 4 miles speed (4x800?!)
Wed: core
Thurs: upper body, 4 miles tempo
Sat: nothing!
Sun: 12

Monday, February 28, 2022

Banff Marathon Training - Week 7 PFTW

Last week...

Tues: 2 miles, Lower Body Hiit/Strength - it was 80* and humid, so I thought that'd be a good day to try the treadmills in our new amenity center for this short run. The run was good, but I guess I'm too dumb to use these treadmills because it took me a long time to figure out how to use it, and I still did it "wrong". ¯\_()_/¯
Wed: Core & Hiit. We were scheduled for another ice storm and this is what I picked up as essentials at the store. I can't figure out what the Starlight Coke is, but it's SO GOOD. 
Thrus 3 miles, Upper Body Strength - very, very cold and a little icy. This look is actually very dramatic, and I took off one shirt and that face buff about 5 minutes later. #dramatic. 

Fri: Lower Body Strength
Sat: Day of nothing - I think I took a 2 hour nap, and did nothing else. 
Sun: 8 miles. Drove up to run at Lake Pflugerville, but it was too blustery to run at the reservoir, so we hopped up the road to a more sheltered trail and it was a mix of hot af in the sun, cold af in the wind, and otherwise great. 

Starting this week, I'll be in my "official" training plan for Banff - a modified version of Run Less, Run Faster, with two quality workouts + one long run + 2 days of cross training. I'm accidentally overlapping two weeks of a Fitness Blender workout program, but it's strength based so I'm sure it's fiiiiine. 

This week...
Mon: Total Body Strength
Tues: 4 miles speed (2x1600) + core
Wed: Upper body + hiit, short run/walk at Rogue
Thurs: 5 miles (2 @ tempo) + recovery 
Sat: 10-12

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Banff Marathon Training - Week 6 PFTW

 Last week...

Tues: 3-4 milesupper body strength, massage after work. Back still janky. 
Wed: Core Switched to an "easy" core/stretching pilates video and took another epsom salt bath. Enjoyed the last of my Holiday Cheer Shiner waiting for my tub to fill up. The big tub sounded nice in theory when we were building, actually kind of a hassle in real life. 

Thurs: 3-4 miles 2 miles run/walk, Lower body strength. Tried to run, still really painful, so just walked and skipped the strength work. Nice sunset, though. 

Sat: 6 miles 1.5 mile run, 2.5 mile walk with Michelle, 2 mile hike with Chaos Dog.

Sun: rest

The good news is all that modifying seems to have helped, and I can walk without stabbing pain, so I'm excited for that! 

This week...
Tues: 2 miles, Lower Body Hiit/Strength
Thrus 3-4 miles, Upper Body Strength
Fri: Lower Body Strength
Sat: 6-10 miles, as long as the back is truly fixed

Monday, February 14, 2022

Banff Marathon Training - Week 5 PFTW

 Last week...

Something happened this day, and I impulsively booked a trip to the Netherlands in March, to use up the last of my flight/hotel credits. When I got an upgrade offer to move to business class for $300, it just felt like fate. 

  • Thrus: upper body strength
  • Fri: lower body pilates & cardio actually just this yoga video
  • Sat: weird snow/rain/ice, lots of beers. Did some cleaning and rearranging, the living room is not doing what I want it to do and now I think I need a new rug and new coffee table. It's a whole thing. 

  • Sun: 10 miles. I'm old and did something weird to my back, so I skipped one run earlier this week hoping I'd be magically healed, but that 10 miles was still pretty painful. Good news (?), it was the same either way, so seems fine! I did take my first bath in my enormous new bathtub, and do you know it took for-ev-er to fill up? Long enough that I ate two pieces of pizza waiting for it? It did help with the back, but only until this morning and now I'm crippled again.

This week...

Tues: 3-4 miles, upper body strength, massage after work
Wed: Core
Thurs: 3-4 miles, Lower body strength
Sat: 6 miles
Sun: rest


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