Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rock n' Roll Seattle - the not running part

First, unrelated, but I love a good deal, I love compression, and I love orange.  Lucky for me, Pro Compression is now launching their Marathon sock in ORANGE. You may recall that Pro Compression was one of our sponsors for Team So Much Cooler Online Ragnar SoCal a few months ago, and their magic baby blue socks saved my legs during the 203.5 mile relay.

You can buy your very own orange compressiony socks HERE, AND, you when you do that, you should also use coupon code SOM610 for 40% off (making the socks $30, with free shipping, I KNOW). Code expires July 10th!


So, if you missed the recap where I'm a giant quitting whiner, you can read it here.

Friday, I flew into SEA around 1:30, and took the light rail up to the expo. I am freakish, and I LOVE public transportation. It's one of the highlights of any trip for me, and I try to figure it out when I travel. It's like a fun challenge. Also, it's cheap, and way less stressful than renting a car. I hate driving in strange places. And based on all the driving that other people did while I sat in the back seat, I would have REALLY hated driving in Seattle. Awful.

Quick run through the expo, and then it was time for a blogger meetup, hosted and organized by Tall Mom, with John Bingham speaking.


After the expo, Kim and S drove me to Alma's house....
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hint: it's not here....

And the three of us got ready to head back into downtown Seattle for the Brooks/Online Shoes Girls Night Out event.
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After they (carb) loaded us up...
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...we had the opportunity to hear a bit about the Brooks story, the Run Happy philosophy, and dig into some fun shoe design details. Brooks is solely (ha, get it?) a running company - that's their thing, their focus.

They gave us a sneak peek at a new shoe, the Pure Drift, that will be released for sale soon.... 5.1 oz, and only $100 price point.
It has a low drop (I think 4mm?? But don't quote me on that....), but you can ALSO remove the sock liner to make it a total 0 drop shoe. Interesting!

We were all invited to try on the shoes from Brooks Pure Project line, and their Core line...

My picks? The Brooks Glycerine 10 (grey/pink on my right foot) and the Brooks Pure Flow (purple on my left foot)

I'm normally a Saucony girl, but I've been dying to try out the Pure Flow for awhile.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
so purple!!

HUGE thanks to OnlineShoes.com and Brooks for a super fun night!

Saturday evening, I was kind of a disaster. Luckily, Hotel Alma was open, has a couch, and a tv. We watched a Motley Crue documentary, and the track trials, and then I crashed.

Sunday morning, Alma and fam took me to Alki Beach

...and her #1 favorite bakery. Followed by Pikes Place Market, and her #2 favorite bakery. I love anyone with a #1 and a #2 favorite bakery.

And then ice cream.

And then Target, to buy a new bag. I was super stoked on my way in that I fit everything I needed into ONE backpack. And then I got all the things, and....
all the things no longer fit in a backpack.....

After an argument with the TSA chick about her phone scanning device not working meaning I needed to get out of line, print a boarding pass, then get BACK in the line I just spent 25 minutes in, I boarded my flight, with my connection in SLC. Apparently, I only managed to leave myself 28 minutes between flights? And snagged myself a seat in the very back of the plane? Oops. When I fiiiiinally got to the gate, the agent  greeted me with, "Oh, you must be Heather.".

Yep. Sure am.


  1. Hotel Alma shuttles to bakeries and Coldstone? We should have stayed another night...

  2. Sounds like a great trip! Even if the full was tough! Hotel Alma sounds like the place to stay.

  3. I sadly hit ZERO bakeries. That Alma sounds like the best.

  4. Totally a Brooks fan. :)

    I'd love to feature this on our Seattle-based site. Email me for details!

    shondra (at) dwellable (dot) com


  5. I have the pink Pure Flow's and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. They are great, I want them in purple too!!

  6. Still smiling from all the treats....so much fun and so happy to meet you!

  7. Oh that Junction Croissant is so freaking fabulous. I might be going back for more this weekend...

  8. Hahahahah - I have never had a gate attendant know my name in advance. Awesome!

    By the way, I am super jealous of your Brooks shoe score. Considering I pretty much run 80% of my miles in Brooks, they are my brand of choice (though I am slightly peeved at them for changing the Ravenna 3s as much as they did).

  9. Sounds like a great time! I love love love my Brooks Pure Flows. I never ran in Brooks shoes until last November and now am a convert. I was Asics all the way previously.

  10. looks like so much fun. if i am going to all the places that alma took you when i stay with her in august i am in for a treat. i love hotel de alma. she rocks. and i love the shoes. all of yall got shoes. holy jealous :)

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